Your employer brand is created by the voice of your employees

Employee feedback provides insight into the organisation’s culture. Give your institution a chance to stand out!

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Demonstreeri oma asutust ja brändi rohkem kui 3600 spetsialistile


70% Scrubini kasutajates ütleb, et nad kandideerivad suurema tõenäosusega, kui tööandjal on Scrubinis aktiivne profiil, sest see näitab, et nad on uuendusmeelsed ja avatud tagasisidele


Esimese põhjusena kasutavad tervishoiuvaldkonna töötajad Scrubini töö otsimiseks


🏆 Highlight your favorite feedbacks about your institution

🥇 Your institution is shown in priority for specialists if the feedback left for your institution includes keywords that have been marked as important by the specialists themselves

👍 Find out what recommendations employees have given to your institution anonymously

See who is using the Scrubin platform for job search

Find out what Scrubin users think

We were already losing hope of finding a doctor when we got the chance to add our job ad to Scrubin. We found a very nice doctor for our team in just a few days. Today, he works with us and we are very grateful to Scrubin. Scrubin is easy to use, and starting a conversation with a job seeker is quick and convenient. Thank you for creating such a good solution. We will use Scrubin in the future as well!
Aime I Jogeva Primary Care Centre
Board member
If the requirements of the institution and the specialist are clear on the Scrubin platform, contact between the two can be incredibly fast! The nurse who came to work for us responded to the personal offer we made 9 minutes after it was sent out!
Toomas I Tartu University Hospital
Head of Internal Medicine
We found the first doctor we hired within 5 days of posting the ad! One of the doctors we found from Scrubin liked us so much that she recommended us to another doctor who also came to work with us. New employees found through recommendations is such a joy because it shows that people want to work in Rakvere Haigla.
Liis I Rakvere Hospital
Medical Director
Scrubin is new and innovative, constantly evolving. Mulle meeldivad uued lähenemisviisid tervishoiutöötajate värbamisel ja Scrubin just seda pakubki.
Ly I Pihlakodu
HR manager
In the Scrubin network, applicants who qualify for the job respond to job offers. In other words, the preliminary work has been done and you don’t have to filter out suitable ones from many unsuitable CVs. Within a maximum of a month after starting to use Scrubin, we already signed a contract with the new employee we found from the network.
Laura I Viv Living

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