Case: 45 y/o M with Chest Pain – Need Input!!
Junior doctor
2.1 yr of work experience
Just had a 45 y/o M in the ED c/o central chest pain for ~4 hrs. Pain is non-radiating, dull, and “heavy.” No N/V, but mild SOB. No recent trauma. Hx of HTN, on amlodipine, no other meds. Smoker (10/day), no alcohol.
BP: 168/92
HR: 96 (reg)
RR: 20
SpO2: 97% RA
Temp: 36.8°C
ECG shows mild nonspecific ST changes, nothing definitive. Trop T pending, but bedside POC trop neg so far. CXR NAD. He's pain-free now after 300mg aspirin + GTN x2.
Risk Strat: Would you throw this into the “low-risk ACS” bucket or keep the alarm bells on? HEART score = 4.
Next Steps: If serial trop comes back neg, is it worth pushing for early discharge with GP f/u, or would you advocate for Obs overnight?
Imaging: No red flags on exam or hx, but would you go straight for a D-dimer/CTPA if trop stays neg, just to rule out atypical PE?
Secondary Prevention: Assuming ACS is confirmed, what’s your go-to cocktail in a patient like this? Anything extra I should consider re: smoking cessation?
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