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Overcoming favortism in hospital to make career

Health Policy

Have you ever faced invisible barriers to your career growth, like hos...

Resident Doctor 5 yr of work experience Estonia
304 total activity
0 replies

Change in career direction

Karjäärinõuanded tudengitele/ residentidele

Hello, I graduated with a physiology degree and I have been feeling so...

Psychologist 3 yr of work experience United Kingdom
317 total activity
1 reply

School Nursing


What are the experiences with school nursing and do you recommend work...

Nurse 17.6 yr of work experience Estonia
378 total activity
1 reply

Career change & returning to nursing?


Is there anyone here who has returned to nursing? I left once because ...

Nurse 6.5 yr of work experience Estonia
838 total activity
3 replies

Working in the USA, England, or Australia

Working Abroad

Hello! I am seriously considering working as a doctor in the USA, Eng...

Resident Doctor, Doctor 4 yr of work experience Estonia
1148 total activity
5 replies

Dental Care Quality

Dental Care

In the case of large polyclinics, often referred to as 'chains', there...

Dentist 8 yr of work experience Estonia
405 total activity
2 replies

Innovation in Our Hospitals

Health Technology

Great work by our hospital team:

Nurse 12.1 yr of work experience Estonia
470 total activity
3 replies

Voluntary Urine Samples :)

Health Policy

it's great to see that the hospital leaders talk about how employees t...

Nurse 4.5 yr of work experience Estonia
677 total activity
3 replies

Family Medicine and Its Dark Future

Family Medicine

"According to the Health Insurance Fund's forecast, nearly 300 doctors...

Resident Doctor 2 yr of work experience Estonia
982 total activity
9 replies

Freezing Salaries?

Health Policy

Let's be honest, freezing salaries would not only significantly increa...

Nurse 12 yr of work experience Estonia
633 total activity
3 replies

Violation of hygiene requirements in the Eye Clinic?

Miscellaneous and Other Topics

Is this the first major patient insurance case in Estonia and is the r...

Doctor 3 yr of work experience Estonia
709 total activity
6 replies

Does the termination of health care agreements take us back 12 years?

Health Policy

Estonian healthcare is facing an important question: does the freezing...

Doctor, Resident Doctor 4 yr of work experience Estonia
790 total activity
10 replies