Europe’s doctors are aging fast, new figures find
Health PolicyEurope’s health care workforce is rapidly aging, according to new figu...
Overcoming favortism in hospital to make career
Health PolicyHave you ever faced invisible barriers to your career growth, like hos...
Change in career direction
Karjäärinõuanded tudengitele/ residentideleHello, I graduated with a physiology degree and I have been feeling so...
School Nursing
NursingWhat are the experiences with school nursing and do you recommend work...
Career change & returning to nursing?
NursingIs there anyone here who has returned to nursing? I left once because ...
Working in the USA, England, or Australia
Working AbroadHello! I am seriously considering working as a doctor in the USA, Eng...
Dental Care Quality
Dental CareIn the case of large polyclinics, often referred to as 'chains', there...
Innovation in Our Hospitals
Health TechnologyGreat work by our hospital team:
Voluntary Urine Samples :)
Health Policyit's great to see that the hospital leaders talk about how employees t...
Family Medicine and Its Dark Future
Family Medicine"According to the Health Insurance Fund's forecast, nearly 300 doctors...
Freezing Salaries?
Health PolicyLet's be honest, freezing salaries would not only significantly increa...
Violation of hygiene requirements in the Eye Clinic?
Miscellaneous and Other TopicsIs this the first major patient insurance case in Estonia and is the r...