Newly Dx’d T2DM – Need Advice
General practitioner
4.1 yr of work experience
Hey all,
Got a 47 y/o F who came in post-screening. Random glucose at the event was 227 mg/dL (12.6 mmol/L), so I did a fasting BG – came back 147 mg/dL (8.2 mmol/L). No hx of DM, but she’s overweight and pretty sedentary.
Couple Qs:
Dx Confirmation: Would you do a repeat FBG or jump straight to HbA1c?
Lifestyle Rx: Any solid resources/tools for diet/exercise that pts actually stick to? Bonus if they’re simple and patient-friendly.
Meds: Start metformin right away or give lifestyle changes a trial first? If metformin, anything specific to check besides Cr and LFTs?
Endo Referral: When would you loop in an endo? Early on to set the tone or wait and see if things stabilize?
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