Discussion platform on health policy, legislation, and systemic development.
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Europe’s doctors are aging fast, new figures find
Health PolicyEurope’s health care workforce is rapidly aging, according to new figu...
General practitioner • 7.6 yr of work experience • United Kingdom
2/25/2025 93 total activity
0 replies
Overcoming favortism in hospital to make career
Health PolicyHave you ever faced invisible barriers to your career growth, like hos...
Resident Doctor • 5 yr of work experience • Estonia
1/21/2025 446 total activity
0 replies
Voluntary Urine Samples :)
Health Policyit's great to see that the hospital leaders talk about how employees t...
Nurse • 4.5 yr of work experience • Estonia
12/20/2024 760 total activity
3 replies
Freezing Salaries?
Health PolicyLet's be honest, freezing salaries would not only significantly increa...
Nurse • 12 yr of work experience • Estonia
12/18/2024 700 total activity
3 replies
Does the termination of health care agreements take us back 12 years?
Health PolicyEstonian healthcare is facing an important question: does the freezing...
Doctor, Resident Doctor • 4 yr of work experience • Estonia
12/6/2024 851 total activity
10 replies