Working in the USA, England, or Australia
Resident Doctor, Doctor
4 yr of work experience
I am seriously considering working as a doctor in the USA, England, or Australia because I am tired of this climate and the empty promises of advancing my career. My main condition for choosing a job abroad is English, which I handle well, and I have completed all language tests. Is there anyone here with experience working in the USA, England, or Australia? If so, what did you need to do to sort out all the paperwork, and what did you find disappointing or surprising about the system there? What was better and what was worse? Please share your experiences so that I can understand if the grass is greener in a warm climate or if there is more to life. Thank you and please be understanding. I don't know if I will stay long, and maybe I will come back with even more experience and contribute to the development of medicine in a new way.
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